Political and Economic Risk Analysis

Know what risks are worth taking and which ones are not. Through bespoke and accurate research and scenario management, we will help you effectively navigate the uncertainties within your globally diversified portfolios.Whether you need consultation on a specific projection or seeking long-term analytical forecasting, our multidisciplinary and readily available solutions adapts to your organization’s requirements.

Poli and Economic Analysis

Stakeholder Mapping

Do not spend time engaging with those who have little effect on the success of your business proposal. Our team will provide you with detailed reports and key metrics, which will allow you to recognize precisely where the balance of power rests and increase the chances of success by engaging with key stakeholders.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Promote meaningful social change. We will help you engage in worthwhile development programs and initiatives internationally that represent your organization’s principles and then help promote the effect you have. Our team has established relationships with various international development agencies and a deep understanding of CSR practices, culture nuances, and stakeholder demands.

Tailored Services

Tailored Services in Response to Specific Needs

Through our extensive network of local and international advisors and consultants, Nova Tactic is able to respond to the needs of a specific project when requested and develop the role of Nova Tactic accordingly; tailored solutions include data collection, regional or stakeholder specific reporting, and organizational development. Contact us directly to know more about our tailored services.